Monday, August 02, 2004

more on the subject of creativity

you have probably guessed by now that this is a blog about how it might be possible to quit working forever, and instead manage to live off of one's creativity. a great deal has been written about this; in fact, one could be crushed to death, buried alive, or at the very least beaten black and blue with the weight of books about how to live creatively falling off the shelves of your local bookstore. every week it seems like there's a new one. have you noticed that they don't really help, and leave you feeling more depressed afterwards?

the trick is, you have to stop seeing the situation at hand as a problem to be solved, or an opportunity to be capitalized upon. what you must instead choose to see before you is a bottomless fucking pit, filled with the echoes of the moans and screams of the damned, and force whatever way you normally would force yourself to do jump in. headfirst, if possible.

instead of operating in survival mode - writing business plans, organizing focus groups, seeking investors, shopping for office space, scamming on 'interns', etc. - what is of utmost importance, right now, is to identify the single most terrifying aspect of the entire enterprise - the one element that causes you to shake with fear, break out in cold sweats, and fart boiling gas as if you had swallowed drano - and then rush headlong in the direction of that thing - now! or as they say in hospitals - STAT!!!

for some of you for instance, that most terrifying thing may be standing up in front of people and presenting your vision with the implicit goal of getting their money on the table.

do it; and do it without underwear, with your fly unzipped. touch yourself while speaking. if possible, leave a visible wet spot. then make sure and shake hands with everyone in the room before they can leave.

if your most terrifying thing is writing a business plan, drop everything you are doing, get a big stack of typing paper, and start at the top by writing in blue Bic medium-point: "I AM FUCKING INVINCIBLE!" fold the piece of paper and carry it around with you. every time you are blocked in your writing, do this exercise.

if your most terrifying thing is spending money - either securing real estate/office space, investing in new computer hardware, or hiring staff - go to your ATM machine right now, withdraw the maximum amount allowed, roll it and rubberband it and put it in your underwear. make sure people can see the bulge. after wearing the money for at least a day, pay your initial big expenditure out of that fund, even if it's simply for the taxi ride to your first investor meeting.

at this very moment, a madwoman is pealing bloodcurdling screams off of the canyoned walls of the campus wherein my current office is located. take opportunities like this as a chance to open yourself to the fact that everything you fear is possible, but nothing is worse than the fear itself, which is what madness is. sorry to get all serious on you for a second there.

stop bullshitting and start believing in what you actually want to accomplish, which you know in your heart you are fully capable of. it's only your beliefs that tell you that what you really want costs more than you ca afford. you're just using the wrong currency.

write yourself a check for the amount of money you want to make in a year, and date it next year. carry this around with you at all times.

always carry a pair of your beloved's undergarments with you. nothing could possibly ground you more, if you are given to useless flights of fancy.

get to work having fun, and stop frittering your life away working!


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