falling is easy. it's the landing that's hard.
people don't want to take risks. they would prefer to be able to push a button on their remote control and get their lives on demand. or better yet, they'd like to have it beamed straight into their skulls via satellite-uplinked brain chip without having to lift a finger.inspired by the theory of worst practices, we said, fuck that. innovation comes from taking dumb chances and stupid risks; creativity isn't sober, it's reckless as a drunk driver. you might die, sure...or you might step on the peel, and instead of cracking open your skull on the pavement like an over-ripe melon, you instead just might surrender to weightlessness.
superflatmonkey is throwing the banana peel. you're here, so your foot is already on its way down. the question is - are you afraid to float, human?
[ed. note: superflatmonkeyâ„¢ was created many years ago in ignorance of the trendyness of the smart assed monkey concept that now seems trendy among certain blogeurs and fashion designers. who the fuck cares? our monkey isn't cute. it's the cannibalistic, chronic-masturbator monkey of your worst nightmares. deal with it. we are all monkeys, but only the few and the proud are both super and flat.]
we may allow nonregistered comments in the future, if our masochism becomes overweening.
lucky chance that the zeldman template matches in color a superflatmonkey image i created last year.
synchronicity, gotta love it...
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