Friday, July 16, 2004


the purpose of the previous rant was to make a point. one of the realities that we are in the business of massaging is the self-perception of organizations. now, the thing to ask yourself as honestly as possible is: how do i want to imagine my organization behaving? how does it actually behave?

everybody wants to think they're the good guy - everybody has a rationalization for everything they do. if we all looked at the naked truth about ourselves...well...we'd all be living naked in huts, probably. which sounds rather attractive to us, but that's a separate discussion.

this society, this culture, this economy/market runs on carefully tailored, well groomed, deeply researched, tested and proven, organized constellations of pure bullshit.

here's the thing: bullshit doesn't fall from the sky, nor does it lie around like rocks. bullshit has to be shat by a bull, eating something. grass, maybe. or, old bullshit.

do you catch where we're going here?

the most supportable business model, then, is one in which overhead is completely circumvented by successfully feeding the clients their own bullshit.


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